After Installs Free Borewells Rakesh Chandra Produced music video for Awareness of Water Conservation

To make people aware about water conservation, Rakesh Chandra has produced a music video titled “Paani” written by P Narhari IAS, composed by Rishikesh Pandey and sung by Bollywood singers. In a heartening display of empathy and social responsibility, Rakesh Chandra, a renowned motivational speaker and philanthropist, has undertaken a significant initiative to address the […] The post After Installs Free Borewells Rakesh Chandra Produced music video for Awareness of Water Conservation first appeared on Hindustan Metro.

May 12, 2024 - 19:14
After Installs Free Borewells Rakesh Chandra Produced music video for Awareness of Water Conservation

To make people aware about water conservation, Rakesh Chandra has produced a music video titled “Paani” written by P Narhari IAS, composed by Rishikesh Pandey and sung by Bollywood singers.

In a heartening display of empathy and social responsibility, Rakesh Chandra, a renowned motivational speaker and philanthropist, has undertaken a significant initiative to address the acute water scarcity plaguing his grandmother’s village.

Situated in the Nawada district of Bihar, the village of Barev has been grappling with water scarcity issues for a considerable period. Witnessing the distress of the villagers, Rakesh Chandra, through his organization Srishti Shri, embarked on a mission to provide a sustainable solution to this pressing problem.

Having a profound emotional connection to the village where he spent cherished moments of his childhood with his grandmother, Rakesh Chandra took it upon himself to initiate change. Upon learning that villagers had to endure arduous journeys of up to one and a half kilometers to fetch water, often leading to severe inconveniences including inadequate hygiene and nutrition, he was compelled to take action.

In a commendable display of solidarity, Rakesh Chandra has overseen the installation of 15 borewells in Barev village, covering a significant portion and alleviating the water woes of approximately 75% of its residents. Not content with this achievement, efforts are ongoing to further expand the water infrastructure to ensure comprehensive coverage.

The significance of Rakesh Chandra’s altruistic endeavor is underscored by its timing, coinciding with the auspicious occasion of Chhath Puja, a festival deeply rooted in the cultural fabric of the region. By facilitating access to water, particularly during such crucial festivities, he has provided much-needed relief to the villagers, allowing them to observe their traditions without undue hardship.

Born on March 1, 1977, Rakesh Chandra’s journey from humble beginnings in a Bihar village to international acclaim as a motivational speaker and author is a testament to his indomitable spirit and unwavering dedication to social causes. Despite encountering numerous challenges along the way, including enduring hardships during his journey from Bihar to Bangalore, he remained resolute in his commitment to effecting positive change.

Through his various initiatives, including RC Talk, RK Overseas, CH Life Science Private Limited, Srishti Shri Organisation and Dhanyawad Foundation, Rakesh Chandra has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to uplifting society’s most vulnerable segments. His story serves as an inspiration to millions, embodying the virtues of perseverance, compassion, and selflessness in the pursuit of a better world.

In a world often fraught with challenges, Rakesh Chandra’s noble efforts serve as a beacon of hope, reminding us of the transformative power of compassion and collective action in addressing the most pressing issues facing humanity.

The post After Installs Free Borewells Rakesh Chandra Produced music video for Awareness of Water Conservation first appeared on Hindustan Metro.

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